Power Generation: Oil Mist Elimination & Crankcase Ventilation Solutions

Oil emissions compromise the cleanliness and functionality of your work environment. Power plants using turbines for power generation need high-efficiency oil mist eliminators specifically designed to capture these emissions. Similarly, facilities that operate diesel, natural gas, landfill gas, or biogas generator sets (gensets) with reciprocating engines benefit from crankcase ventilation systems as they protect the engine’s turbos and inter-coolers from oily blow-by while regulating crankcase pressure...


Solberg provides top-of-the-line, high-efficiency oil mist eliminators and advanced crankcase ventilation systems. Depending on your plant and your specific needs, we offer both standardized and customized solutions built to safeguard your equipment and work environment.


Browse Solberg Oil Mist Eliminator and Crankcase Ventilation Systems by Product Type

Our oil mist eliminators (SME/BAE series) and advanced crankcase ventilation systems (ACV/ACVB series) are used on many different kinds of equipment and applications:

  • Turbines, compressors, and turboexpanders
  • Lube oil consoles and gearboxes
  • Coupling guards
  • Prime power, stand-by engines, CHP (combined heat and power), and marine engines


Have Questions About Oil Mist Eliminators or Crankcase Ventilation?

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